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Living life on the autistic spectrum

Depending on whether you have a formal diagnosis, as well as when you were diagnosed , you or someone you know may use various terms about the 'condition' . My son was diagnosed over 20 years ago via a hospital route, so we were told he had 'High functioning Autism/Asperger's Syndrome. In more recent communications, we hear more about neurotypical and neurodiverse characteristics, or simply being on the spectrum.


Whatever language you choose to use, individuals and their families can have a mixed reaction to diagnosis- it can bring relief or further anxiety. You may wonder what the future holds. I've been on that journey too, both personally - as a parent and a friend - and professionally. This means I've had to make sense of some of the jargon around this area and link the theory into practice. I've been fortunate to gain insights from many people along the way.


Regardless of whether you have an official diagnosis, or are just wondering about this, I can help you make sense of the situation. If you have a loved one affected by this diagnosis, I can offer you support as you come to terms with the diagnosis and what that means for you.


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